Sunday, January 16, 2011

Estimation Jars

Here's a good idea that a received from my grade one cohort team. The "Estimation Jar". I saved two plastic jars and have included the message below, inside the jar. Each student has a turn taking home one of the jars and we estimate what comes back. We have received cotton balls, rather large nails, and a variety of items to eat! My students write their guess down on a piece of paper and then side it under their spot at our Estimation Station. Once we have counted the items, by 2's, 5's, and 10's, we flip all the answers over to see how good our estimating skills have become.

Dear Parents,

Your son/daughter has brought home the estimation jar. This jar is to be filled with anything that will fit and then returned to school the next day. Please be as creative at you like. (If your child is bringing something edible and will be sharing with the class, please put the food in a baggie inside the jar as the jar has been used for rocks and such.) Only the person who put the items in the jar will know beforehand the correct number. This number should also be written on the inside of the lid. If the “secret” is let out before we do the estimation activity, we will simply not count any of the guesses and give the jar to the next student to take home. Please emphasize to your child to keep this a secret. I would expect that the jar will make it home twice before the end of the year. The jar does not need to be filled. (Max. 100 items)

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