Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pablo Picasso Mains Aux Fleurs

I introduced Pablo Picasso last week to my students.  I read "Picasso and the Girl with a Ponytail", by Laurence Anholt.  I googled Picasso and was able to show them a variety of paintings he created, including some from his "Blue" and"Cubism" period.  I showed my students the original of the "Mains Aux Fleurs" and tried to recreate it with construction paper.  In Picasso's original he used only the primary colours, but I let my students use bright spring colours.  I gave them ideas on how to create flower types and I was pleasantly excited with what they came up with.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Potato Leprechaun

My students made this potato body leprechaun to hang from our ceiling.  I was given this pattern from a colleague which was found in Monthly Happenings from The Learning Works Inc., March Issue.  I have no idea what year that would be, but the pattern gives you an idea so you could create your own. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

My new leprechaun

My friend Wendyle Gillis and I constructed this new leprechaun for my classroom.  He is more realistic than the leprechaun stuffy I was using. He stands about 10 inches tall. 

Leprechaun Traps

I tell the students that they must build their traps at home and bring them in the week of St.Patrick’s Day.  We are attempting to catch any leprechauns that might be sneaking around.  I, of course, spring their traps the night before St.Patrick’s Day and leave a picture of the leprechaun at their trap.  I also leave behind gold and green sprinkles, shamrocks and chocolate money.   I dump some of the desks and chairs, and make the room look like the leprechaun made a mess of our classroom.  I pretend, in the morning as they arrive, that I slept in and haven’t been to my room to unlock it yet.  I’m wearing my jacket and holding my purse and bag, and when I pull out my key, I tell them to be very careful as there may be a leprechaun caught in their trap.  They go wild when I open the door.  Have fun with this! 

Writing to Mr. Blarney

St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner on March 17.  I have a mail box set up in my classroom that magically appeared this week.  I left a letter in the mail box for the students.  They had so many questions, that I said we had better write to Mr. Blarney to get some answers.  I have included a picture of the mail box and a sample to two letters that were written by my students. 

Dear Grade One’s
My name is Mr. Blarney.  Did you know that St.Patrick’s Day is just around the corner?  Yep, on March 17th you can try and catch me if you can, but I have never been captured yet!  I know you will be building your traps at home and bringing them to school, good luck with those.  I’m sure you have lots of questions you would like to ask me, so go ahead and ask your teacher if you can write to me.  Put your letter in my mail box and I’ll get right back to you.  My mailbox will only be available for one week and then it will disappear! 
Mr. Blarney

Leprechaun Mail Box