Sunday, May 29, 2011

"The Three Little Pigs"

A colleague from my grade one cohort had this good idea that I was eager to use in my classroom.  She had a net design that the students cut out and glue over a kleenex box.  Drawn on one side was the straw house, another was the stick house and lastly the brick house of the "Three Little Pigs".  We used glue guns to glue on the straw, we went outside to gather sticks and coloured the brick house.  I gave them finger cut outs of the three pigs and the wolf.  They had to retell the story to their grade five buddies using as much expression and story as possible.  The results were very good.  They enjoyed building their house and were excited to take them home.  An additional language arts activity we did was a readers theater version of the three little pigs. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a really cool idea; I'm going to try it during our fairy tale unit.
    Thanks for sharing!
